Digital Tools


    A software program or device that facilitates content learning or teaching and learning is referred to as a digital education tool. It makes it possible for the instructor or student to acquire knowledge and skills. 

Check out this list of digitals tools that can be utilised. Click on the pictures to sign up!

What digital tools are you utilizing?

What are your thoughts?

Any tips/ tricks?


Sir Parsons said...

There are so many digital tools that can be utilised in the teacher-learner relationship. The COVID-19 pandemic provided an impetus for my colleagues around the island to utilise more digital tools.
Nearpod and Quizizz were instrumental in my creating meaningful and engaging lessons during the online environment.

I would encourage anyone to use these tools. Just remember sometimes less is more when creating presentation and include activities which are self-paced so that students can go back and forth.

Keisha L. Went said...

I agree, sometimes in our zeal to create engaging lessons we include too much content. Every educator should familiarise themselves with The Mayer's 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning.

Prosperity said...

Sir Parsons I do agree with you however there needs to be a balance. Speaking from the position of a parent and observing lessons taught to my then 5/6 year old where two teachers in particular hardly showed up for classes and would just post YouTube videos and online quizzes for the kids to do.

Professional Learning Communities (PLC)

               According to the Welsh Government (2013) a professional learning community (PLC) is a group of practitioners working togethe...