Guidelines for Using the PLC


Guidelines for using the PLC

  • The established meeting time for the PLC will be the 3rd Sunday at 5 p.m. each month via Google Meet and real time communication will be established using WhatsApp and The Luminaries Academy- PLC Blog.

  • A commitment must be made to attend 80% of the online meetings. When a person is to be absent they should communicate this via the WhatsApp chat.

  • For every online meeting a different person will be the facilitator.

  • Respect must be shown for all persons and their perspectives.

  • All data and information shared must be relevant and up-to-date.

  • Active dialogue and reflection is encouraged.

  • Persons must familarise themselves with the ITSE standards and seek to use in their integration of digital technologies.

  • When online the following rules must be followed:

    • Mute your mic when entering the meet.

    • If your camera will be on make sure you are in appropriate surroundings.

    • Use the raised hand feature when you want to speak.

    • Exercise respect when communicating.

    • Think before you type.

    • Be in good light and face the camera when speaking.

    • Use proper grammar.

1 comment:

Prosperity said...

Cannot read the text on this page.

Professional Learning Communities (PLC)

               According to the Welsh Government (2013) a professional learning community (PLC) is a group of practitioners working togethe...